Dry-coolers Details


These are fan-coil assemblies available in various capacities based on customer's requirements for heat rejection and in two types. One type is a bare fluid cooler that can be also called a radiator and another type is a fluid cooler fitted with an adiabatic cooling pad on the face of the cooling coil to address high ambient conditions in certain regions. The dry-coolers are available in all copper or all stainless steel construction with high efficiency motors and variable speed drives as required. All of the dry-coolers are customizable per region specific application and depending upon the operating environment of the dry-cooler. Dry-coolers are available in various configurations such as V-bank assemblies, flat bed assemblies with sound attenuation packages as and when required.

Annotate with 2 Pictures. Front view and side view.

Please call the factory for detailed specifications, capacities and applications.

Standard Features

Optional Features

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